565 results found
RP2040 Support
I'd kill for Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) support like the current support you have for Arduino.
3 votes -
Ability to use Search function
Having to constantly scroll through every component is a real pain in the ass, can we have a simple search function adding to this GUI please.
3 votes -
Need to fix relays.
When input is powered on relay both outputs get powered. This needs fixed so circuits can be better designed and function as intended. I like to use the app to replicate circuits from my vehicle but can't do it properly with any circuit that uses relays because of this but
1 vote -
LED brightness (Better contrast between bright and dim leds in response to resistor values)
I’m trying to visualize an array of multiple colour LEDs with different brightnesses and I wish there was more contrast between an LED with a resistor for example 150 being very bright and 500 being very dim
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Add support for CD4046
It would be very helpful to have this IC added!
1 vote -
Set component from datasheet
Allow looking up and/or configuring component datasheet/values. Like if I pick a diode it would be nice to set the values by either typing in4001 vs in4007 or maybe pasting a link to the data sheet for the specific component or a copy of the data sheet pdf itself
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Analog photoresistor
I love iCircuit ten years.
There is a component called "Photoresistor", but I would like to make it like a Cds resistor.
Currently, it only seems to respond to LED light by turning it ON or OFF. Cds resistors are used in "analog photocouplers" used in audio components, and they react to light and change their resistance in an analog way.
I would like you to add this kind of behavior.
Thank you!2 votes -
Allow importing of spice models
Being able to import a complex component from a Spice model and apply it to the relevant symbol (i.e. a Spice model for the TIP122 and apply it to the basic "NPN" symbol) would be amazing.
The ease of usability of iCircuit is its most attractive feature over "bigger" products like LTSpice, but not being able to fine tune components (i.e. only being able to set hFE on transistors, not being able to use a wave file as an input, or record the circuit behaviour to a wave file) is the only thing that is stopping me from paying for…
3 votes -
Generating bill of materials
I'd like to be able to generate a bill of materials from a circuit
2 votes -
add Maxim's MAX232 and/or MAX203 UART level conversion chips to the device inventory
MAX232 level conversion chips are widely used for signal level changes, allowing modern day communications equipment to communicate with data devices that require CMOS/TTL signaling levels for communication.
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An Unijunction Transistor like the 2N2646
Is there any chance an unijunction transistor like the 2N2646 will be added to the iCircuit App?
3 votes -
Add a Photo MOS Analog Switch like an AQY221
Something along the lines of an AQY221xx which is essentially an optical photoMOS switch activated by a current through a LED. The important DC parameters would the LED current and voltage drop, in addition to the ON and OFF resistance of the MOS FET and Drain to Source Output Cap should also be possible to set. This is an optically isolated device so a breakdown voltage is extra credit. The switching times for these are pretty fast for a switch (10’s to 100’s of uS) with no bounce, so that is also extra credit.
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1 vote
Bug fix
There’s bad bug in transformer, when we set the “primary to secondary coupling “ to (for example) 99.9% and the primary inductance ( for example) to 1H, by short circuiting the secondary the inductance seen in primary should be 1mH. But it’s twice the value ie 2mH.
1 vote -
Inner Values of a circuit between two points
It would be nice if it were possible to select two points in a circuit and read its inner values like inner resistance, short circuit current as well as idle voltage, capacity, inductivity, impedance and so on.( In my native language ist’s called: Charakteristische Werte aktiver und passiver Zweipole)
3 votes -
Upgrade for Automotive circuit designs
The basic program does have relays and can be wired up like a 4/5 pin DIN relay.
I would pay for a "Automotive Electrical Package" that had updated GUI for automotive components and circuits.
Flasher Relays for Bulbs
Flasher Replays for LED
DIN style relays
All blade fuse designs
Blower motors
Blower motor relays
DC to DC converters
Radiator fans that are relay controlled and PWM controlled
Fuel injectors
The list goes on and on.I would easily pay $200 for an automotive package that had all the vehicle electrical components.
This software is amazing and it can farther
2 votes -
6 votes
2 finger tap for undo, 3 finger tap for redo
This is a ‘standard’ across many iPad apps
1 vote -
Can you make voltage values selectable to be hidden
This is a great teaching tool. The ability to create a circuit and hide the values of all components, would come in handy for teaching R, I, E, formulas to students.
1 vote -
a NTC thermistor.
The NTC thermistor is used in many power supplies and converters to handle inrush currents. Maybe it’s in the pro version I didn’t see it in the non pro version.
3 votes
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