Make retaining interlocks work and have detached relay switches

What is a detached relay circuit? Do you just mean you want 0 leakage current?
Anonymous commented
Yes, I have wanted this for a long time.
To build a functioning ladder, coils with associated switches. Timing would also be essential (DOE-DODE-Interval). -
Anonymous commented
The possibility to place the coil and the switch(es) of a relay on different places on the sheet (virtually connected via the part's name) would be really great an close to the shape of practically used schematic sheets !
Allan Dickson commented
Yes, zero leakage current. Might I also suggest a relay configuration like the seed studio grove relays. Where there is one normally open switch and one normally closed switch in a relay? That is better for motor drivers so you can avoid having both doc motor polarities on at the same time, which is going to cause some device failures if it happens. Relays get paired for a single motor. One relays mc, acts as the off switch for the ground drain connection of the other, so only one polarity (dc motor direction) can be on at a time.
Anonymous commented
Relay switching contacts should have possibility to be placed anywhere in the circuit
Anonymous commented
I like this idea. I would also like it if the relays could be rotated
Anonymous commented
It's so the switches controlled by a relay don't have to be part of it
For example when a circuit diagram is large the relay is named in the numerator and the number of switches operated are written as the denominator eg R/4