More controls on sub-circuits
We already can create sub-circuit but it seems we cannot make sub-circuits using other sub-circuits. I don't know if it is a bug or a feature not yet implemented.
I tried to implement a logical 'full-adder' with an intermediate 'half-adder' as presented in the 'Code' book. I manage to create an 'half-adder' but the 'full-adder' doesn't wok with the sub-circuits 'half-adder'.
It will be very useful to add those sub-circuits in a library for future use. Currently iCircuit is very buggy when loading higher level circuit it fails at loading lower level ones. I also don't know where iCircuit is loading sub-circuits on OS X. Maybe you could on OS X specify the external library directory?
We cannot resize sub-circuit which sometimes makes the schema messy.
To sum up:
- I want to be able to resize sub-circuits in order to make my schema tidy and clean.
- I want to import a sub-circuit in a library for future use and in order to import use created sub-circuits.
- I want to specify a directory on OS X where sub-circuits will be automatically fetched and imported in the library.
- I want to create hierarchy (nested) of sub-circuits in order to create complex high level circuits.
I would like to teach basic logic gates composition to students and I miss all those features to do so.

Kople101366 commented
rotation of placed subcircuits would be nice too.
Mitchell Ludwig commented
I also cannot do sub-circuits within sub-circuits, and it took forever to figure out that this was my problem. I am happy to help out with the bug if need be. It would be great to have this feature. Composing larger circuits out of smaller, simpler ones would be extremely convenient.
I'm running OSX High Sierra.
Shaun commented
The sub circuit block gets confused with naming. For example if I change the name of a circuit being referenced, sometimes the new name doesn’t show up and sometimes both names show up.
Also I have tested a working circuit composed of sub circuits and it works. Then I make that circuit a sub circuit and then test it and it doesn’t work.
anon commented
I am having problems with nested sub circuits as well.
Anonymous commented
Usually I want to increase the size of the sub-circuit.
Thank you for the feedback! I have a few questions:
What kind of "shape" do you want to give the sub circuit when you're resizing it? Do you just want to make it smaller? Or larger?
Nested sub circuits should work, please let me know what problems you're running into.
There are some issues with sandboxing on OS X but I will try to improve the experience.