Please add more component ....other wise use les this app and wasting our money
I am sorry to say this, I am really unhappy with this app, because of without more components this app is use less and money wasting... no cotactor, stepper motor servo motor, many more. Please don’t mis use others money.
John commented
Hi 'Ceylon Engineering Works',
As one of those 'others' who has spent good money on this app, I'm really happy with it and deem every cent spent a good investment.
Please keep your opinion to yourself and stop talking on behalf of others without their permission, cause that's what trolls do and I'm assuming your NOT a troll so please stop behaving like one.
Like all things in life, your expectations are the real issue here; your expectations were not met. Ok, sorry to hear that. How about you move on and find an app that better suits your needs; it's called product research and all customers all over the world find their expectations are usually met when the effort is originally put into doing the 'homework' up front; try it, you'll find life goes a lot smoother if you put in the ffort upfront instead of after-the-purchase.
Please stop talking on behalf of others as you were not voted in to represent us as a voice.
Enjoy your day ahead and try looking into the commercial applications that cost thousands of dallars .. I'm pretty sure your expectations will be more than met with one of them. </>